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Insta Test Salt Test Strips is a black bottle with pop-up cap that has 10 test strips.  These strips are used for salt water swimming pools. The black bottle is wrapped in a blue label that says “Insta” in a yellow font and “test” in a white font. “10 salt water test strips” is also written in white”.  “Sodium Chloride” is written in white as well on a red square with a yellow square with and red font reading “1500-5000 parts per million”.  These test strips are made by the company LaMotte.

Insta Test Salt Test Strips (10/bottle) for Salt Water Swimming Pools

SKU: LAM-2998

Insta-Test Strips are a quick, reliable and easy-to-read. New one-dip formula gives results within 20 seconds.  These test strips are are saltwater swimming pools.