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Sparkle Pill is packaged in a gray bag with a white stripe atop stating a bold “Caution” in black.  Below the caution, a  light blue band says “Sparkle Pill” in white with “clarifier” and “flocculant” below the light blue stripe on the right.  Lettering after the above,  says “alumina salts” are the active constituents adn this product is “fast dissolving” and has “no sticky residue”.  At the bottom right of the package, a light blue drop shape in white captioning saying “clears cloudy pools quickly”.

Sparkle Pill

SKU: SPE-130

Sparkle Pill is a small tablet that will clean your cloudy pool water quickly.  It is non-toxic and completely biodegradable.  Just drop the tablet into your skimmer basket and watch as your pool water becomes crystal clear!  Sparkle Pill is compatible with any sanitizer system and works great with sand filters. When your filter is back-washed, the coagulant disappears.